At PostNL, we are committed to upholding internationally recognised human rights across the company. We view human rights as a vital social and governance topic, and respect ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and particularly endorse the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. PostNL has been a signatory to the UN Global Compact since 2012. In recent years the scope of our focus has broadened from our own operations to the impact we have along our entire value chain. We need to work with our partners to tackle a broad range of topics, which is why we have tailored our ESG agenda to the most material topics as defined by our stakeholder engagement process and materiality assessment. We have linked these to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically the SDG sub-targets, which helps us focus on those areas where we can make a material impact.
Since 2020 we have undertaken a number of actions to identify the main human rights risks for PostNL, including an internal risk analysis workshop and an external risk analysis involving stakeholder consultation and dialogue. These actions enabled us to begin developing and implementing a more structured, company-wide approach towards human rights due diligence and management in 2022. This structure consists of a six-step approach, which is outlined in the Human Rights infographic on this page. These steps outline how we apply our Human Rights Policy commitment, from identifying and assessing any adverse impacts that may occur across our business or along our supply chain, to taking action to cease, prevent or mitigate these impacts, and communicating how we have addressed these impacts.
Following this, we identified and evaluated four key human rights risks for the company, which are working conditions, diversity and inclusion, privacy protection and data security, and fair compensation. All of these relate to the material topics identified during the double materiality assessment conducted in 2022. In 2023 we will define formalised KPIs and targets to mitigate these risks.
“PostNL uses a six step approach to Human Rights”
In the 'Risk and opportunity management' chapter we outline how we manage risk and opportunity, as well as summarising our main risks and opportunities in specific areas and our mitigation approach. In the 'Governance'
chapter we explain how our corporate governance ensures sound business management. Our most recent Human Rights Due Diligence report can be found on our website here. More information on how we work to create an efficient and sustainable supply chain can be found in our Procurement policy here.
Elements of PostNL Group Human Rights Policy | Subject covered | Reference to UDHR1 |
Collective labour agreements | Stimulate trade union and works council participation; work conditions; equal opportunities; remuneration; working hours and rest | Art. 20; Art. 23.1; Art. 23.2; Art. 23.3; Art. 24 |
Business principles | Slavery; diversity | Art. 4; Art. 18 |
PostNL Group Statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking | Slavery | Art. 4 |
PostNL Procurement policy | Freedom of association, work conditions; equal opportunities; remuneration; working hours and rest | Art. 20; Art. 23.1; Art. 23.2; Art. 23.3; Art. 24 |
Diversity & Inclusion Policy | Freedom of thought, conscience and religion; equal opportunities | Art. 18; Art. 23.2 |
PostNL pride network | Stimulate LGBT acceptance | Art. 18 |
Woman Inclusion Network | Support women in equal opportunities | Art. 18 |
ISO 45001 certification | Work conditions | Art. 23.1 |
Complaints and support processes | Freedom of opinion and expression | Art. 19 |