Consolidated statement of profit or loss

PostNL Consolidated statement of profit or loss in million
2023, 2024

Year ended at 31 DecemberNotes20232024
Revenue from contracts with customers2.13,1533,243
Other operating revenue 129
Total operating revenue 3,1653,252
Other income2.293
Cost of materials (91)(74)
Work contracted out and other external expenses2.3.1(1,592)(1,703)
Salaries, pensions and social security contributions2.3.2(1,100)(1,120)
Depreciation, amortisation and impairments2.3.3(177)(188)
Other operating expenses2.3.4(130)(133)
Total operating expenses (3,090)(3,218)
Operating income 8437
Interest and similar income 2023
Interest and similar expenses (22)(31)
Net financial income/(expense)2.4.1(2)(8)
Results from investments in JVs/associates3.6(4)(4)
Profit/(loss) before income taxes 7825
Income taxes2.4.2(24)(6)
Profit/(loss) from continuing operations 5419
Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations 1(1)
Profit/(loss) for the year 5618
Attributable to:
Non-controlling interests 01
Equity holders of the parent 5517

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