Consolidated sustainability statement

PostNL Environmental disclosures as indicated
2023 - 2024

Year ended at 31 DecemberKey Performance Indicator (KPI)Notes20232024
Climate change 2.2.4
CO2 efficiency (scope 1 and 2 emissions in grammes CO2e per km) 136128
Share of emission-free delivery of mail and parcels in the last-mileKPI 24%28%
Scope 1 GHG emissions (tonnes CO2e) 22,45921,339
Scope 2 GHG emissions location-based (tonnes CO2e) 27,17618,857
Scope 2 GHG emissions market-based (tonnes CO2e) 18980
Scope 3 GHG emissions (tonnes CO2e) 290,645266,336
Total gross GHG emissions location-based (tonnes CO2e) 340,279306,531
Total gross GHG emissions market-based (tonnes CO2e) 313,293287,755
Total gross location-based per net revenue (tonnes CO2e per million Euro) 107.5194.26
Total gross market-based per net revenue (tonnes CO2e per million Euro) 98.9888.48
Total biogenic CO2e emissions (tonnes) 28,18731,442
Internal carbon pricing gross GHG emission reduction scope 1 and 2 (tonnes CO2e) not reported125
Internal carbon pricing share of scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions not reported0.3%
Total fossil energy consumption (MWh) 75,52768,883
Total renewable energy consumption (MWh) 190,558167,379
Total energy consumption (MWh) 266,085236,262
Total energy per net revenue (MWh per million Euro) 8473
Pollution 2.3.3
Total NOx emissions (kg) 30,83921,530
Total PM10 emissions (kg) 7,4716,613
Total PM2.5 emissions (kg) 4,3243,802
Resource use and circular economy 2.4.3
Total weight of technical and biological products (tonnes) not reported3,715
Total amount of recycled waste (tonnes) 2,7474,698
Total amount of waste generated (tonnes) 4,4446,402
Total amount of hazardous waste (tonnes) 3644
Total amount of non-hazardous waste (tonnes) 4,4086,358

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PostNL Social disclosures as indicated
2023 - 2024

Year ended at 31 DecemberKey Performance Indicator (KPI)Notes20232024
Own workforce 3.1.4
Total number of employees (headcount) 33,48832,405
Total number of employees (FTE) 20,85120,151
Workforce by region - Netherlands (headcount) 32,52131,366
Workforce by region - Rest of Europe (headcount) 904951
Workforce by region - Rest of the World (headcount) 6388
Workforce by age group < 30 years (headcount) 4,4344,593
Workforce by age group 30 - 50 years (headcount) 9,9259,735
Workforce by age group > 50 years (headcount) 19,12918,077
Workforce by gender - male (headcount) 18,17718,034
Workforce by gender - female (headcount) 15,31114,371
Workforce by gender - not reported (headcount) 00
Share of female employees in senior management 33%35%
Share of male employees in senior management 67%65%
Number of employees with a permanent contract 29,74226,687
Number of employees with a temporary contract 3,7465,718
Number of employees with a non-guaranteed hours contract 00
Number of employees with a full-time contract 8,4368,215
Number of employees with a part-time contract 25,05224,190
Total turnover (number of employees) 9,8219,380
Turnover rate 28%28%
Voluntary turnover rate 16%17%
New hires < 30 years (number of employees) 3,9674,410
New hires 30 - 50 years (number of employees) 2,2962,504
New hires > 50 years (number of employees) 1,3991,383
New hires male (share of total headcount) 14%16%
New hires female (share of total headcount) 8%9%
New hires total (share of total headcount) 21%25%
Share of engaged employeesKPI 68%67%
ISO 45001 certification (share of total headcount working in certified sites) 96%97%
Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuries and work-related ill health 00
Number of recordable work-related accidents 461456
Rate of recordable work-related accidents per million hours worked not reported16
Number of road traffic accidents with third party death 04
Rate of road traffic accidents with third party death per million kilometres travelled 0.0%0.9%
Absenteeism (share of total working days)KPI 7.7%8.5%

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PostNL Social disclosures (continued) as indicated
2023 - 2024

Year ended at 31 DecemberKey Performance Indicator (KPI)Notes20232024
Total number of incidents of discrimination and complaints not reported364
Total amount paid of fines, penalties and compensation (Euros) not reported0
Consumers & end-users 3.3.4
Net Promotor ScoreKPI Average No. 1 position in relevant marketsAverage No. 1 position in relevant markets
Parcel volume growthKPI 0%7%
Delivery quality Parcels in NLKPI 97%97%
Delivery quality Mail in NLKPI 89%86%

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PostNL Governance disclosures as indicated
2023 - 2024

Year ended at 31 DecemberKey Performance Indicator (KPI)Notes20232024
Management of supplier relationships 4.1.4
Average time (days) to pay an invoice not reported29
Number of legal proceedings currently outstanding for late payments not reported0
Corruption & bribery 4.1.4
Number of convictions for violation of anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws not reported0
Amount of fines for violation of anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws (Euros) not reported0

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