Dutch Corporate Governance Code

PostNL applies the principles and best practices of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code (the Code), as referred to in article 391, paragraph 5, book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC), except for the best practice provisions below, where we also explain why we do not comply with them. Future developments might justify further deviations from the Code at the moment of occurrence. Each substantial change in the corporate governance structure of the company and in the compliance of the company with the Code shall be discussed with the General Meeting of Shareholders. The full text of the Code can be found on www.postnl.nl.

The best practice provision 3.2.3 of the Code states that remuneration in the event of dismissal of members of the Board of Management may not exceed one year's salary (the fixed remuneration component), and that severance payments will not be awarded if the agreement is terminated early at the initiative of a member of the Board of Management. The severance payment of Herna Verhagen in case of a change of control equals the sum of the last annual base salary and pension contribution plus the average variable remuneration received over the last three years, multiplied by two.

Furthermore, in case of a change of control, Herna Verhagen may, under certain circumstances, receive a severance payment if the agreement is terminated at her own initiative. Herna Verhagen was employed by PostNL before the Code became first effective. PostNL is of the opinion that the agreed severance payment in case of a change of control is proportionate, considering that PostNL wishes to respect the agreement made in the past. Also, the Supervisory Board may decide that the performance shares vest in whole or in part.

Tax Governance Code

PostNL voluntarily applies the principles of the Dutch tax governance code developed under the umbrella of VNO-NCW. More information can be found in the chapter Our tax strategy and policy provisions.