UN Global Compact reference table

PostNL Global compact principles

UN Global Compact principleReference
1. Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rightsGovernance, chapter Corporate governance, section General information, Ethics and compliance, pages 136-137; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299
2. Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abusesGovernance, chapter Corporate governance, section General information, Ethics and compliance, pages 136-137; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299
3. Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargainingGovernance, chapter Corporate governance, section General information, Ethics and compliance, pages 136-137; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299
4. Uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labourSustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Workers in the value chain, Our strategy, pages 316-317
5. Uphold the effective abolition of child labourSustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Workers in the value chain, Our strategy, pages 316-317
6. Uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupationGovernance, chapter Corporate governance, section General information, Ethics and compliance, pages 136-137; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299
7. Support a precautionary approach to environmental challengesBusiness report, chapter Environmental Value, section Reduce our environmental impact by minimising our emissions and actively engaging with all our stakeholders, pages 50-51; Sustainability statement, Environmental disclosures, Our strategy, pages 263-265
8. Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibilityBusiness report, chapter Environmental Value, section Reduce our environmental impact by minimising our emissions and actively engaging with all our stakeholders, pages 50-51; Sustainability statement, Environmental disclosures, Our strategy, pages 263-265
9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologiesBusiness report, chapter Environmental Value, section Reduce our environmental impact by minimising our emissions and actively engaging with all our stakeholders, pages 50-51; Sustainability statement, Environmental disclosures, Our strategy, pages 263-265
10. Work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and briberyGovernance, chapter Corporate governance, section General information, Ethics and compliance, pages 137-138; Sustainability statement, chapter Governance disclosures, section Business conduct, Our policies, pages 344-345; Sustainability statement, chapter Governance disclosures, section Business conduct, Our performance, pages 348-349

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