1. Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights | Governance, chapter Corporate governance, section General information, Ethics and compliance, pages 136-137; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299 |
2. Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses | Governance, chapter Corporate governance, section General information, Ethics and compliance, pages 136-137; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299 |
3. Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining | Governance, chapter Corporate governance, section General information, Ethics and compliance, pages 136-137; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299 |
4. Uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour | Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Workers in the value chain, Our strategy, pages 316-317 |
5. Uphold the effective abolition of child labour | Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Workers in the value chain, Our strategy, pages 316-317 |
6. Uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation | Governance, chapter Corporate governance, section General information, Ethics and compliance, pages 136-137; Sustainability statement, chapter Social disclosures, section Own workforce, Our policies, pages 296-299 |
7. Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges | Business report, chapter Environmental Value, section Reduce our environmental impact by minimising our emissions and actively engaging with all our stakeholders, pages 50-51; Sustainability statement, Environmental disclosures, Our strategy, pages 263-265 |
8. Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility | Business report, chapter Environmental Value, section Reduce our environmental impact by minimising our emissions and actively engaging with all our stakeholders, pages 50-51; Sustainability statement, Environmental disclosures, Our strategy, pages 263-265 |
9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies | Business report, chapter Environmental Value, section Reduce our environmental impact by minimising our emissions and actively engaging with all our stakeholders, pages 50-51; Sustainability statement, Environmental disclosures, Our strategy, pages 263-265 |
10. Work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery | Governance, chapter Corporate governance, section General information, Ethics and compliance, pages 137-138; Sustainability statement, chapter Governance disclosures, section Business conduct, Our policies, pages 344-345; Sustainability statement, chapter Governance disclosures, section Business conduct, Our performance, pages 348-349 |