PostNL endeavours to stay in regular contact with its stakeholders. The CEO, CFO and the investor relations team meet with shareholders during roadshows and conduct individual meetings and calls during the year.

Communication takes place with governance institutions representing shareholder groups before the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and also during the year. PostNL does not have a specific policy to introduce members of the Supervisory Board to PostNL shareholders. The company has a policy on bilateral contacts with the shareholders which is included in the investor relations policy and published on PostNL's website. More information about PostNL’s investor relations can be found in the 'PostNL on the capital markets' chapter.

Furthermore, PostNL organises annual dialogues with its stakeholders, in addition to the daily, ongoing contacts with customers, regulators, interest groups, et cetera. More information about PostNL’s stakeholder dialogue can be found in the 'Non-financial statements.