GRI content Index

PostNL General disclosures

GRI 1: Foundation 2021
Statement of usePostNL has reported the non-financial information included in this GRI content index for the period 1 january 2023 to 31 december 2023 with reference to the GRI sustainability standards. PostNL decided to report with reference to the Sustainability Reporting Standards due to the preparations it is making towards reporting based on the CSRD per 2024. By reporting with reference to the renewed standards the reporting scope of PostNL is similar to previous years. Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
Applicable GRI Sector Standard(s): No sector standard available (yet)
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021
Organisational profile
2-1Organizational detailsPostNL N.V., Waldorpstraat 3, 2521 CA The Hague, the Netherlands. Chapter 'Corporate governance'; Chapter 'PostNL on the capital markets', Contact details; Chapter 'Our tax strategy and policy provisions', Taxes in more detail
2-2Entities included in the organization's sustainability reportingAppendix 6 List of group entities; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
2-3Reporting period, frequency and contact pointFinancial and non-financial information reporting period: 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, Annual
Annual Report 2023 publication date: 26 February 2024
Contact point about report: Please sent us your comments by e-mail to or by sending a letter to PostNL Annual Report team: P.O. Box 30250, 2500 GG The Hague, The Netherlands
2-4Restatements of informationChapter 'Financial statements', Basis of preparation; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
2-5External assuranceChapter 'Corporate governance', Ethics and compliance; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of prepation; Chapter 'Other information', Independent assurance report on the non-financial information
Activities and workers
2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsChapter 'At a glance', Overview of our network and services; Chapter 'Our operating context', Introduction
2-7EmployeesChapter 'Non-financial statements', Social value performance indicators
PostNL does not have non-guaranteed hours employees.
As more than 95% of PostNL employees are located in the Benelux, a breakdown of employee indicators by region is not deemed relevant and therefore not disclosed by PostNL.
2-9Governance structure and compositionChapter 'Corporate governance'; Chapter 'Coporate governance', Board structure, composition and responsibilities;
2-10Nomination and selection of the highest governance bodyChapter 'Corporate governance', Board structure, composition and responsibilities
2-11Chair of the highest governance bodyPostNL does not have a unitary board structure. It has a two-tier governance structure with a Board of Management and a Supervisory Board. Chapter 'Corporate governance'
2-12Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impactsChapter 'Report of the Supervisory Board'; Chapter 'Corporate governance'
2-13Delegation of responsibility for managing impactsChapter 'Corporate governance'
2-14Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingChapter 'Corporate governance', Board structure, composition and responsibilities; Chapter 'Non-financial statements'
2-15Conflicts of interestChapter 'Corporate governance', Corporate governance policies and principles. No conflicts of interest occured in 2023.
2-16Communication of critical concernsChapter 'Corporate governance'. There were no critical concerns in 2023.
2-17Collective knowledge of the highest governance bodyChapter 'Report of the Supervisory Board'; Chapter 'Corporate Governance', Board structure, composition and responsibilities
2-18Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance bodyChapter 'Report of the Supervisory Board', Evaluation of the Supervisory Board
2-19Remuneration policiesChapter 'Remuneration report'
2-20Process to determine remunerationChapter 'Corporate governance', Board structure, composition and responsibilites; Chapter 'Remuneration report', Remuneratie | PostNL
2-21Annual total compensation ratioChapter 'Remuneration report'. We report on the ratio of the annual total compensation for the organisation's highest-paid individual compared to the average annual total compensation for all employees. This reporting is in line with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code 2022. As this code supersedes the voluntary GRI Framework, we do not report on a ratio based on the median of the annual total compensation for all employees.
Strategy, policies and practices
2-22Statement on sustainable development strategyChapter 'Reflecting on 2023 with our CEO'
2-23Policy commitmentsChapter 'Risk and opportunity management'; Chapter 'Corporate governance', Corporate governance policies and principles; Chapter 'Corporate governance', Ethics and compliance
Governance: Fairness and transparency | PostNL
We have not formally adopted the precautionary principle but we systematically assess and manage environmental, safety, supply chain, operational, and other risks as described throughout this report.
We hold risk workshops throughout the year and have an internal control framework in place to mitigate risks for financial as well as for non-financial reporting.
2-25Processes to remediate negative impactsChapter 'Corporate governance', Ethics and compliance
2-26Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concernsChapter 'Corporate governance', Ethics and compliance
2-27Compliance with laws and regulationsChapter 'Corporate governance', Ethics and compliance
2-28Membership associationsWe participate in different types of branche organisations:
  • Operational cooperation and services: IPC and UPU (UN Union), total membership contribution of 2,28 million euro in 2023.
  • Exchange of best practices and information, representation of (sub)sectors/industry towards external stakeholders including decision-makers: In the Netherlands: VNO-NCW, TLN, Evofenedex,, DDMA, ACN, VEUO, TI-NL. In Belgium: Febetra, TLV, VOKA and BeCommerce. At EU level: PostEurop, FEDMA, eCommerce Europe with a total contribution of 488.00 euro in 2023
Stakeholder engagement
2-29Approach to stakeholder engagementChapter 'Our operating context'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
2-30Collective bargaining agreementsChapter 'Social value', Providing the right HR services; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Social value performance indicators
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021
Disclosures on Material Topics
3-1Process to determine material topicsChapter 'Our operating context', Impact assessment; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
3-2List of material topicsChapter 'Our operating context', Impact assessment; Chapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
3-3Management of material topicsChapter 'Our operating context', Impact assessment; Chapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Customer value'; Chapter 'Social value' Chapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Financial value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements'

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PostNL Topic specific disclosures

GRI StandardName of standardReference, explanation, omission
Customer experience and digital solutions
3-3Management of material topicsChapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Customer value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
PNL-1 KeyCompetitive Net Promoter Score (CNPS)Chapter 'Customer value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Customer value performance indicators
E-commerce growth
3-3Management of material topicsChapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Customer value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
PNL-2 KeyVolume development ParcelsChapter 'Customer value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Customer value performance indicators
Accessible, reliable and affordable services
3-3Management of material topicsChapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Customer value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
PNL-3 KeyDelivery quality Mail in the NetherlandsChapter 'Customer value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Customer value performance indicators
PNL-4 KeyDelivery quality Parcels in the NetherlandsChapter 'Customer value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Customer value performance indicators
People attraction, development and retention
3-3Management of material topicsChapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Social value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
PNL-5 KeyShare of engaged employeesChapter 'Social value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Social value performance indicators
GRI 401: Employment 2016
401-1New employee hires and employee turnoverChapter 'Social value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Social value performance indicators
As more than 95% of PostNL employees are located in the Benelux, a breakdown of employee indicators by region is not deemed relevant and therefore not disclosed by PostNL.
Health, safety and well-being
3-3Management of material topicsChapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Social value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
PNL-6 keyAbsenteeismChapter 'Social value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Social value performance indicators
403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018
403-9Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalitiesChapter 'Social value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Social value performance indicators.
Occupational diseases and lost days are not applicable for PostNL as this does not provide useful management information about Health and Safety at PostNL. PostNL is unable to specifically report on high-consequence work-related injuries and work-related hazards that pose a risk of high-consequence injury. Information about 'Absenteeism' and working days of workers beyond our own employees is unavailable for PostNL, we only report these indicators for our own employees.
Diversity, equality and inclusion
3-3Management of material topicsChapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Social value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016
405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employeesChapter 'Corporate governance', Corporate governance policies and principles; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Social value performance indicators
Climate change
3-3Management of material topicsChapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
PNL-7 KeyShare of emission-free last-mile delivery of mail and parcels in the last-mileChapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Environmental value performance indicators
GRI 302: Energy 2016
302-1Energy consumption within the organisationChapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Environmental value performance indicators
302-3Energy intensityChapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Environmental value performance indicators
302-4Reduction of energy consumptionChapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Environmental value performance indicators
302-5Reductions in energy requirements of products and servicesChapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Environmental value performance indicators
GRI 305: Emissions 2016
305-1Direct (scope 1) GHG emissionsChapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Environmental value performance indicators
305-2Energy indirect (scope 2) GHG emissionsChapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Environmental value performance indicators
305-3Other indirect (scope 3) GHG emissionsChapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Environmental value performance indicators.
Biogenetic CO2 emissions is not relevant for PostNL.
305-4GHG emissions intensityChapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Environmental value performance indicators
305-7Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissionsChapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Environmental value performance indicators
Financial performance and position
3-3Management of material topicsChapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Financial value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation
PNL-8 KeyRevenueChapter 'Financial value'; Chapter 'Financial statements'
PNL-9 KeyNormalised EBITChapter 'Financial value; Chapter 'Financial statements'
PNL-10 KeyFree cash flowChapter 'Financial value; Chapter 'Financial statements'
PNL-11 KeyAdjusted net debtChapter 'Financial value; Chapter 'Financial statements'
PNL-12 KeyDividend per shareChapter 'Financial value; Chapter 'Financial statements'
GRI 201: Economic performance 2016
201-1Direct economic value generated and distributedChapter 'Financial statements ', Consolidated primary statements
201-2Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate changeChapter 'Risk and opportunity management'
201-3Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plansChapter 'Financial statements', Provisions for pension liabilities

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