Dividend proposal 2023

In 2023, PostNL's normalised comprehensive income amounted to €52 million (2022: €90 million).

PostNL Normalised comprehensive income in million
2022, 2023

Year ended at 31 December20222023
Profit for the year11456
Other comprehensive income152(8)
Comprehensive income6647
Normalisations on EBIT (less statutory tax)1136
Normalise result from discontinued operations11(1)
Normalised comprehensive income9052
  1. 2022 excluding change in pension accounting classification

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Our dividend policy states that dividend distribution is conditional on being properly financed in accordance with our financial framework. PostNL is steering for a solid balance sheet with a positive consolidated equity, aiming at a leverage ratio not exceeding 2.0 and applying strict cash flow management. This condition was met at the end of 2023. As a result, PostNL will recommend to the AnnualGeneral Meeting of Shareholders a pay-out of 80% of normalised comprehensive income for 2023, being a dividend of €0.09 per ordinary share (2022: €0.16). €0.06 was paid as an interim dividend, so the final dividend to be paid in May 2024 will be €0.03 per share. This will be proposed to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.