Stakeholder engagement and materiality

As a listed company with a long and proud history in the Netherlands, we have an intricate stakeholder landscape. We engage with our stakeholders in different ways, on different levels and on different topics to better understand their interests and the way our activities affect their decision-making process. This helps us understand which topics are most material, and are of greatest significance to stakeholders, so that we can prioritise these in our Materiality matrix.

Our main stakeholder groups, and the main topics of engagement, are summarised below. More information about our stakeholder engagement can be found in the 'Non-financial statements' chapter.

We engage with our stakeholders to better understand their interests and how we impact their decision making.

PostNL Stakeholder groups

Stakeholder clusters

Stakeholder groups

Most relevant topics

Financial market

  1. Investors

  2. Capital providers

  3. Financial rating agencies

  4. Financial interest groups

  5. Sustainability benchmark agencies

  • Financial performance and position (a, b, c, d)

  • Return on capital investments

  • Short- and long-term value creation

  • Environmental, social and governance (ESG) (a, b, d, e)


  1. Business customers

  2. Consumers

  3. Internal customers (intercompany)

  • Quality of services

  • Use of retail locations

  • Network capacity (a, c)

  • Accessible and reliable postal services

  • Convenient sending and receiving options

  • Sustainable delivery options

Our people

  1. Employees

  2. Trade unions

  3. Works councils

  • Safe and healthy work environment

  • Favourable working conditions

  • Development opportunities

  • Sustainable employability

Government bodies

  1. Policy makers (international, national and local)

  2. Regulators

  3. Politics

  • Regulatory environment (a,c)

  • Compliance with laws and regulations (b)

  • Market developments (a,c)

Business partners

  1. Operational contract parties (e.g. delivery partners and employment agencies)

  2. Suppliers

  3. Retailers

  4. International postal companies

  5. Pension fund PostNL

  6. Branch organisations

  • Collaboration and tariffs (a, b, c, d, e)

  • Labour market and working conditions (a)

  • Procurement practices (b)

  • Business ethics (a -f)

  • Sector initiatives (f)


  1. Traditional media

  2. Social media

  • Business events

  • Opinions about PostNL

Opinion leaders and society

  1. NGOs

  2. Local communities and their representatives

  3. Academic and research institutions

  • Environmental issues (a, b, c)

  • Social and societal issues (a, b, c)

  • Specific topics (e.g. Diversity, data and analytics) (c)

  • Market trends (c)

Other market players

  1. Traditional market players

  2. New market players

  • Access to networks

  • Policy influence

  • Market developments and events


PostNL considers all discussion topics with stakeholders relevant. Disclosures in our Annual Report are based on those deemed most material. To identify what is a key material topic, we first carry out a materiality analysis to prioritise the topics we have identified, and then rank them based on two dimensions.

  • Dimension one: what is most important to our stakeholders, influencing their assessments and decisions. This is the vertical axis on the Materiality matrix.

  • Dimension two: the significance of the societal impact of PostNL with the topic. This is the horizontal axis on the Materiality matrix.

All topics in the Materiality matrix lead to direct or indirect financial impact. We categorised all topics in five domains based on the primary impact domain. The domains relate to different sections in the Business Report and Governance section of this report. The categorisation in the five domains are presented in the Materiality matrix below. Topics ranked in the upper right-hand section of the Materiality matrix represent the key material topics for the company.

Materiality matrix

Disclosures in our Annual Report are based on the topics deemed most material.

These eight topics best reflect where PostNL creates long-term value. All other topics in the matrix remain important and often contribute to the value created with our key material topics. In order to positively contribute to the material topics of our stakeholders, while optimising our impact on society, we use the key material topics as input for our value creation model. A more detailed description of our stakeholder engagement and materiality analysis is included in our stakeholder policy.