Indicatornr. | Indicator | Details/reference |
Organisational profile | ||
102-1 | Name of the organization | PostNL N.V. |
102-2 | Activities, brands, products, and services | |
102-3 | Location of headquarters | Prinses Beatrixlaan 23, 2595 AK The Hague, the Netherlands |
102-4 | Location of operations | Chapter 'Our operating context'; Chapter 'How we create value'; Chapter 'Our strategy' |
102-5 | Ownership and legal form | |
102-6 | Markets served | Chapter 'Our operating context'; Chapter 'How we create value'; Chapter 'Customer value' |
102-7 | Scale of the organization | Chapter 'At a glance'; Chapter 'Social value'; Chapter 'Financial value'; Chapter 'Financial statements'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements' |
102-8 | Information on employees and other workers | |
102-9 | Supply chain | Chapter 'Our operating context'; Chapter 'How we create value'; Chapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Customer value'; Chapter 'Environmental value'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements'. PostNL's main suppliers are external delivery partners. Our supply chain is mainly locally organised. |
102-10 | Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain | |
102-11 | Precautionary Principle or approach | Chapter 'Risk and opportunity management'. We have not formally adopted the precautionary principle but we systematically assess and manage environmental, safety, supply chain, operational, and other risks as described throughout this report. We hold risk workshops throughout the year and have an internal control framework in place to mitigate risks for financial as well as for non-financial reporting. |
102-12 | External initiatives | |
102-13 | Membership of associations | We participate in several branche organisations: IPC, PostEurope, UPU. |
Strategy | ||
102-14 | Statement from senior decision-maker | |
102-15 | Key impacts, risks, and opportunities | Chapter 'How we create value'Chapter 'Our strategy'Chapter 'Opportunity and risk management |
Ethics and integrity | ||
102-16 | Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior | Chapter 'Our strategy'; Chapter 'Risk and opportunity management', Business conduct and integrity |
102-17 | Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics | |
Governance | ||
102-18 | Governance structure | |
102-19 | Delegating authority | |
102-20 | Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics | |
102-21 | Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics | |
102-22 | Composition of the highest governance body and its committees | |
102-23 | Chair of the highest governance body | PostNL does not have a unitary board structure. |
102-24 | Nominating and selecting the highest governance body | |
102-25 | Conflicts of interest | Chapter 'Corporate governance'. No conflicts of interest occured. |
102-26 | Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy | |
102-27 | Collective knowledge of highest governance body | |
102-28 | Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance | |
102-29 | Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts | |
102-30 | Effectiveness of risk management processes | |
102-31 | Review of economic, environmental, and social topics | |
102-32 | Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting | |
102-33 | Communicating critical concerns | |
102-34 | Nature and total number of critical concerns | There were no critical concerns in 2020. |
102-35 | Remuneration policies | |
102-36 | Process for determining remuneration | |
102-38 | Annual total compensation ratio | Chapter 'Renumeration report'. We report on the ratio of the annual total compensation for the organisation's highest-paid individual compared to the average annual total compensation for all employees. This reporting is in line with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. As such we do not report on a ratio based on the median of the annual total compensation for all employees. |
102-39 | Percentage increase in annual total compensation ratio | Chapter 'Renumeration report'. We report on the ratio of the annual total compensation for the organisation's highest-paid individual compared to the average annual total compensation for all employees. This reporting is in line with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. As such we do not report on a ratio based on the median of the annual total compensation for all employees |
Stakeholder Engagement | ||
102-40 | List of stakeholder groups | Chapter 'Our operating context'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation |
102-41 | Collective bargaining agreements | Chapter 'Our operating context'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Social value performance indicators |
102-42 | Identifying and selecting stakeholders | Chapter 'Our operating context'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation |
102-43 | Approach to stakeholder engagement | Chapter 'Our operating context'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation |
102-44 | Key topics and concerns raised | Chapter 'Our operating context'; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Basis of preparation |
Reporting practice | ||
102-45 | Entities included in the consolidated financial statements | Chapter 'Financial statements'. A complete list of investments in subsidiaries, associated companies and jointly-controlled entities will be attached to the company's annual report made available to the Chamber of Commerce. |
102-46 | Defining report content and topic Boundaries | |
102-47 | List of material topics | |
102-48 | Restatements of information | Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Safeguarding report quality |
102-49 | Changes in reporting | Chapter 'Our operating context', Stakeholder engagement and materiality; Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Reporting criteria |
102-50 | Reporting period | Full calendar year 2020 |
102-51 | Date of most recent previous report | 24 February 2020 |
102-52 | Reporting cycle | Annual |
102-53 | Contact point for questions regarding the report | Please sent us your comments by e-mail to or by sending a letter to PostNL Annual Report team: P.O. Box 30250, 2500 GG The Hague, The Netherlands |
Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI | ||
102-54 | Standards | The scope of the report is part of the Assurance report of the independent auditor. |
102-55 | GRI content index | |
102-56 | External assurance | Chapter 'Non-financial statements', Safeguarding report quality |
102-37 | Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration | Chapter 'Renumeration report'. The views on stakeholders are sought indirectly through the stakeholder dialogues we have held. |