The company’s articles of association can be amended upon a proposal by the Board of Management, approved by the Supervisory Board and adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders. A proposal to amend the articles of association must be stated in a notice convening a General Meeting of Shareholders and announced in such a manner as permitted by law at the time. The proposal shall be passed upon an absolute majority of the votes cast in the General Meeting of Shareholders. PostNL’s articles of association are available on our website.
Under its articles of association, PostNL may acquire its own shares, provided that they are fully paid up. If such shares are acquired for consideration, the following conditions apply:
PostNL’s shareholders' equity less the purchase price may not fall below the sum of the paid-up capital and any reserves required to be maintained by Dutch law or pursuant to the articles of association.
Following the share acquisition, PostNL may not hold shares with an aggregate nominal value exceeding half of its issued share capital.
The Board of Management is authorised to decide to acquire PostNL shares. Such a resolution requires the approval of the Supervisory Board. In addition, the Board of Management requires prior authorisation by the General Meeting of Shareholders. This authorisation may be valid for a period not exceeding 18 months and must specify:
The number of shares that may be acquired;
The manner in which shares may be acquired;
The price limits within which shares may be acquired.
Authorisation by the General Meeting of Shareholders is not required if the PostNL shares are acquired for the purpose of transferring those shares to PostNL employees pursuant to any arrangements applicable to such employees.
The issued share capital may be reduced by the cancellation of shares following a repurchase. PostNL’s issued share capital may also be reduced if the nominal value of its shares is reduced by amendment of PostNL’s articles of association. The resolution to reduce PostNL’s issued share capital requires the approval of the General Meeting of Shareholders. Pursuant to PostNL’s articles of association, such a resolution may be adopted pursuant to a proposal of the Board of Management that has been approved by the Supervisory Board. The latter requirement is more stringent than Dutch law.
PostNL’s Board of Management has been designated as the body authorised to resolve on the issuance of shares and to grant rights to subscribe for shares, including options and warrants. Such a resolution is subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board. The scope and duration of this authority of the Board of Management are determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Management cannot be authorised to issue more shares than the number of authorised shares that have not been issued (i.e. the number of authorised shares minus the number of issued shares). The authority may not be granted for a period longer than five years.
The term of designation of the Board of Management as the body authorised to resolve on the issuance of shares may also be extended by amendment of PostNL’s articles of association.
If no extension is given, the issue of shares or granting of rights to subscribe for shares requires a resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders. Such a resolution may only be adopted pursuant to a proposal by the Board of Management that has been approved by the Supervisory Board.
In principle, each holder of ordinary shares has a pre-emptive right in case of any issue of ordinary shares or the granting of rights to subscribe for these shares.
Pursuant to PostNL’s articles of association, shareholders’ pre-emptive rights may be restricted or excluded by a resolution of the Board of Management, provided and as long as the Board of Management has been designated as the body authorised to resolve on the issuance of shares. Such a resolution is subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board. Pursuant to PostNL’s articles of association, the provisions relating to the scope and duration of the authority to issue shares and grant rights to subscribe for ordinary shares are also applicable to the scope and duration of the authority to exclude or restrict pre-emptive rights.
The Board of Management may determine, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, that any dividend on ordinary shares will be paid wholly or partly in PostNL ordinary shares instead of cash, or that any dividend will be paid by giving shareholders the option to choose between PostNL ordinary shares or cash (optional dividends).
If and when dividends are declared, PostNL pays dividends out of its profits, or by exception out of the distributable part of its shareholders’ equity as shown in PostNL’s financial statements. PostNL is not allowed to pay dividends if the payment would reduce shareholders’ equity below the sum of the paid-up capital and any reserves required by Dutch law or the company's articles of association.
The Board of Management may, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board and to provisions of Dutch law, distribute interim dividend. No dividend shall be paid on shares held by PostNL. Such shares shall not be included for the calculation of the profit distribution, unless the Board of Management resolves otherwise. Such a resolution is subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board.
Under PostNL’s articles of association, if preference shares B have been issued, PostNL must pay dividends on the paid-up portion of the nominal value of the preference shares B. Payment is made at a rate of the average 12-month EURIBOR (Euro Interbank Offered Rate), weighted to reflect the number of days for which the payment is made, plus a premium to be determined by the Board of Management, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, of at least one percentage point and at most three percentage points. The Board of Management then determines, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, the part of the remaining profits to be appropriated to reserves. The profit that remains after appropriation is at the disposal of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
More information about PostNL’s dividend policy can be found in the 'PostNL on the capital markets' chapter, and on our website. Any changes to these guidelines shall be explained in a separate agenda item at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.